Dad-blasted DS106 #4life, it’s a lifetime addiction. That’s what it is. Kept me from vegging out with Netflix on this Canada Day evening. Deceptive too. Just record a Dutch fairy tale for the Burgeron Trailer. I’ve been looking at the legend of the wooden shoe. What’s more Dutch than wooden shoes? Perfect. Then I miscued my H2 Zoom recorder. After reading for 20+ minutes with expression and altered voices for the Oak and the gnomes and Trintjes, I discovered that it had NOT recorded. I could just forget it. Yeah, Really. I could do that.
Ah, but I have Natural Reader, and I have Applian Replay Music. I can get the computer to read it. That’ll be geekier for my Bovine County compadres anyhow. After a few false tries I found correct input setting (simply can’t just record from speakers, not cool enough – has to be from the system audio) and we’re away.
But of course, I can’t leave it just like that. Oh no. I have Audacity. I can still alter the Oak and the gnomes and Trintjes’s voices. Pitch, speed, flanging. So much fun. And screen shots, oh yes, gotta show off. Document it. Ah well, might as well edit the mp3 tag info while I’m at it, and add some artwork from the web page. OOPS, messed up the timing on the flanging somehow. Gotta fix that in the audacity project then export it again. Now edit the tag info again. Ok, now just blog it and post it to the dropbox and to Soundcloud.
Hey, where did the time go? Dratted DS106. Yep. It’s an addiction. And I don’t want a cure. Isn’t that pathetic? Isn’t it Great! Until next time…