Peaceful River Bank

Notice:  All Zombies have been thoroughly exorcised from this riverbank.

Hacked: All Zombies and self-loathing have been thoroughly exorcised from this riverbank.


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Hope Springs Eternal …

scoreboardWait.  I no longer have a human breast in which anything can spring.  I am a Zombie.

I “lost” at Twitter versus Zombies.  OK, in the spirit of the game, I did not really lose; I changed.  But I found myself unhappy with the change.  I had such great plans to avail myself of the antidote rule and then go on to create a restful, safe haven for fellow humans.

Since Twitter seems almost dead right now, I will amuse the non-Twitter human side of me and build that safezone all the same.

IMG_0961 (Large)You need to travel over water to get here.  Kayak, paddle-board, sail, or come with me. There’s an empty seat in my boat.

We travel north by north-west on Lac La Martre in Canada  until we enter the river where an abandoned human village once stood.


Two generations after a forest fire devoured the empty homes, only rusted stoves remain of the burned cabins. Faint outlines of rotted sill logs, now overgrown with moss, are barely discernible in the new growth of willows and alders.

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DSC_1702 (Large) Descendants of the villagers return to this site annually to pay homage and to maintain the cemetery where their forbears are buried.


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Ah yes, TvsZ-ers, there is peril nearby, but the elders had the foresight to establish their burial grounds across the river from their homes.



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Just a short distance upriver, a healing spring flows into the river.  Here the visitors come to bathe in expectation of a cure from physical and emotional afflictions.




So this is the safe have I wanted to offer to humans seeking refuge from the devastating hordes on Twitter versus Zombies.  I wonder if I could deed this space to someone who is still human. – perhaps I can send them the text code and photo links so they could post it.



About Jim

Faculty Developer at Aurora College's Centre for Teaching and Learning
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3 Responses to Peaceful River Bank

  1. Janine says:

    Oh! I never saw this during the game. This would have made a really fun safezone — so many narrative possibilities.

    • Jim says:

      It was disappointing not to be able to use it. I was trying to find a way to allow humans to use it, but rules were stacked against it. With more time I could have given photos and markup text to someone else to duplicate the site on their blog. However jumping in for the last two hours was so intense that I never had time to do more than suggest it in a message to a choir member.

  2. Pingback: Conflicted Zombie | WayUpNorth's Blog

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